Radmat SedumPlus sedum blanket is a low maintenance, drought resistant, ready to lay sedum vegetation blanket (Mat). SedumPlus comprises nine varieties of sedum pre-grown in 15mm of substrate on a strong biodegradable 450g/m2 felt mat made from recycled textiles.
Providing a variety of colour and interest, Radmat SedumPlus has been specially developed to provide a variety of different leaf types and flowers throughout the year whilst enhancing biodiversity. Colours range from greens through to vibrant reds, oranges, purples and browns at appropriate times of the Spring and Summer.
Unroll over a suitably prepared and irrigated Radmat growing medium. Loosely butt sides and ends. Once installed irrigate for the prescribed period based on season.
Please see Product Data Sheet for seed mix.
Approved Document B Fire Safety points to the DCLG document Fire Performance of Green Roofs and Walls for best practice guidance in achieving Regulation 7(2) fire compliance with a green roof. DCLG Fire Performance of Green Roofs and Walls states that the compliance requirements for achieving Broof(t4) are a growing medium layer of a minimum 80mm and an organic content of not more than 50% ( In addition, The Green Roof Organisation (GRO) Code of Best Practice, also recommends fire breaks consisting of 50mm deep 20/40mm rounded ballast are used at perimeters and penetrations. Gravel fire/vegetation breaks should be 500mm wide where they abut habitable space but can be reduced to 300mm in some circumstances. Key to ensuring ongoing fire performance of a green roof, and the plant performance, is maintenance as some plants will die back, others will shed leaves naturally during their lifecycle and invasive species will try to take hold. These factors all create additional organic matter that could poses a fire spread risk on the roof therefore unwanted organic matter should be removed as part of the maintenance program.