
MedO D60 Aggregate Infill

Radmat D60 Infill consists of rock fragments that are used in their natural state, or are used after mechanical processing such as crushing, washing, and sizing. Crushed stone and sand and gravel are the two primary sources of natural aggregate, which are used directly in construction or as a raw material for construction products such as concrete and bituminous road materials.

Pour into Radmat D60 Reservoir/Drainage board. Fill to top and level.


MedO Wildflower Plug

Radmat Wildflower Plugs are ready to install plug plants grown in the UK to suit the environment climate.  The range of species provides the opportunity to select plant mixes to achieve a variety of objectives including: extending the flowering season, managing degrees of shade or exposure, orientation and/or indigenous planting requirements.

The range of species provides the opportunity to select plant mixes to achieve a variety of objectives including: extending the flowering season, managing degrees of shade or exposure, orientation and/or indigenous planting requirements.

Install by hand into a suitably prepared and irrigated Radmat growing medium at the specified rate per m². Insert so root ball is below the finished growing medium surface.  Once installed irrigate for the prescribed period based on season.

Approved Document B Fire Safety points to the DCLG document Fire Performance of Green Roofs and Walls for best practice guidance in achieving Regulation 7(2) fire compliance with a green roof. DCLG Fire Performance of Green Roofs and Walls states that the compliance requirements for achieving Broof(t4) are a growing medium layer of a minimum 80mm and an organic content of not more than 50% ( In addition, The Green Roof Organisation (GRO) Code of Best Practice, also recommends fire breaks consisting of 50mm deep 20/40mm rounded ballast are used at perimeters and penetrations. Gravel fire/vegetation breaks should be 500mm wide where they abut habitable space but can be reduced to 300mm in some circumstances. Key to ensuring ongoing fire performance of a green roof, and the plant performance, is maintenance as some plants will die back, others will shed leaves naturally during their lifecycle and invasive species will try to take hold. These factors all create additional organic matter that could poses a fire spread risk on the roof therefore unwanted organic matter should be removed as part of the maintenance program.


MedO Wildflower Mat

Developed through collaboration with the University of Sheffield’s Professor Nigel Dunnett and the Green Roof Centre, Radmat Wildflower Mat is attractive to pollinators and provides a biodiverse, colourful and drought tolerant range of wildflowers, herbs and flowering perennials that will flourish in the conditions created on many types of green roof.

An alternative to SedumPlus it contains a vibrant mixture of wildflowers, herbs and perennials designed to flourish in dry conditions and produce a biodiverse and colourful visual spectacle. The mix contains a range of wildflowers and herbs including Oxeye Daisy, Lady’s Bedstraw, Cat’s Ear, Yellow Chamomile, Wild Marjoram, Thyme and Chives. In addition pink flowering dianthus is included to provide a vivid splash of colour. The result is a vibrant and dynamic display. The flower seeds mix is carefully chosen to produce a wildflower meadow that will flower over a prolonged period, usually from early spring through to autumn, and to create visual interest.

The plants in flower will vary through the flowering season and may vary from year to year as the mixture adapts to the soil type, rainfall and temperature. Wildflowers and other flowering perennials provide a food source for birds and  favourable habitat for butterflies and other insects.

Unroll over a suitably prepared and irrigated Radmat GM30 Wildflower Substrate installed to a depth of 120mm. Installing a thinner substrate will compromise plant performance and may prevent compliance with the requirements of Building Regulation Approved Document B Fire Safety. Loosely butt sides and ends. Once installed irrigate for the prescribed period based on season.

See Product Data sheet for full plant list and image credits.

Approved Document B Fire Safety points to the DCLG document Fire Performance of Green Roofs and Walls for best practice guidance in achieving Regulation 7(2) fire compliance with a green roof. DCLG Fire Performance of Green Roofs and Walls states that the compliance requirements for achieving Broof(t4) are a growing medium layer of a minimum 80mm and an organic content of not more than 50% ( In addition, The Green Roof Organisation (GRO) Code of Best Practice, also recommends fire breaks consisting of 50mm deep 20/40mm rounded ballast are used at perimeters and penetrations.  Gravel fire/vegetation breaks should be 500mm wide where they abut habitable space but can be reduced to 300mm in some circumstances.  Key to ensuring ongoing fire performance of a green roof, and the plant performance, is maintenance as some plants will die back, others will shed leaves naturally during their lifecycle and invasive species will try to take hold.  These factors all create additional organic matter that could poses a fire spread risk on the roof therefore unwanted organic matter should be removed as part of the maintenance program.



EshaPrimer is a quick drying black bitumen priming solution designed to penetrate and seal a variety of porous surfaces including masonry, concrete, cementitious screed/renders, existing bituminous waterproofing and structural steelwork. EshaPrimer creates a base seal and improves the adhesion of bituminous waterproofing solutions.

EshaPrimer is a mixture consisting high quality bitumen’s and hydrocarbon solvents.

The substrate must be clean and dry, structurally sound and free from laitance, oils, dirt, moss, lichen and loose materials. If applied to an existing roofing membrane the surface must be quite smooth.

Apply by brush or roller ensuring the primer is well applied into the surface. Apply a thin coat and avoid pooling. Allow to dry thoroughly before over coating. Ensure ventilation is sufficient.

EshaPrimer requires between 1 and 4 hours to completely dry. EshaPrimer must be completely dry before applying the bitumen membrane. For additional protection two layers can be used.

Apply as stated only when atmospheric and substrate temperatures are greater than 5 °C. Below this temperature ensure the primer has cured and dried before applying PermaQuik Hot Melt or EshaFlex RBM waterproofing, and if needed heat the surface prior to applying the waterproofing.


MedO Green Roof System

Green Roof System


MedO is a green roof system that utilises established green roofing technologies in a simple and straightforward way. A variety of green roof solutions can be created – from low maintenance sedum matting and wildflower meadows, to landscaped roof gardens with lawns, shrubs and water features.

MedO green roofing systems can transform both new and existing roofs into lush, vibrant, biodiverse environments that protect your roof membrane. The decline of many species of wildflower and insects has accelerated with the decrease of natural habitats – the recent reduction in the bee population is said to be one such casualty. Installing a green roof is an ideal opportunity to create conditions for natural wild flower plants and increase biodiversity, as well as protecting and prolonging the life of your roof membrane. Radmat provide pre-grown sedum matting, wildflower seed mixes and more conventional plug plants varieties.


MedO GMO/12 Intensive Growing Medium

Radmat GM0/12 Intensive Growing Medium is a de-mixing resistant mineral/organic green roof substrate that provides good nutrient retention capacity and promotes plant germination and growth.

Consisting of natural pumice, light lava stone, bark compost, green compost and turf Radmat GM0/12 Intensive Growing Medium has an open-pore structure and a high total
pore volume.

GM0/12 Intensive Growing Medium is a natural product (mixture of igneous minerals & organic additives) that contains augite, olivine, magnetite, limonite and biotite with organic materials.

Vegetation planting substrate for trees, tall species, shrubs and grasses on green roofs.


MedO GS EdgeGuard

MedO GS EdgeGuard provides a fast and simple to install edge restraint system for gravel ballast retention on green roofs. They can also be used to create a hard break between gravel ballast and green roof growing mediums, maintaining gravel fire breaks and helping reduce vegetation transfer into the gravel margin. The slotted vertical face allows for water drainage whilst wide base leg provides restraint without requiring penetration of the waterproofing. Manufactured from aluminium each 2.4m length of MedO GS EdgeGuard is designed so that the folded end of the length can received the ‘tongue’ of another length of MedO GS EdgeGuard, eliminating the need for jointing pieces when used as a complete length. Each length also features a pre-relieved mitre section at the mid length point, enable quick and simple formation of corners and angles without the need for pre-made sections. MedO GS EdgeGuard is supplied self-finished as standard but can be supplied powder coated in any colour, contact Radmat Building Products for lead time. Curved lengths are also available. These require a separate jointing piece for each length

Loose lay over a suitable Radmat waterproofing membrane, ProTherm inverted roof insulation WFRL or MedO drainage/retention board. Connect each length by slotting the tongue into the folded end of the next piece. Where MedO GS Edge Guard needs to be cut to length ensure the correct end is cut to enable location in to the lengths on either side. Jointing pieces are available should they be required.


MedO D10 Water Storage & Filter Fleece

Radmat D10 is a 100% polypropylene water storage filter fleece for use as a water storage, protection and filter layer in green roofs. Suitable for all types of green roof with a flat or sloped roof construction on a new build or refurbishment project, Radmat D10 has a water storage capacity of 6 l/m2.

Loose lay over a suitable Radmat waterproofing membrane.

Gently butt sides and ends of adjacent rolls together.

To be covered within one month of application.

According to guidelines given by Radmat Building Products Ltd.


MedO G12 Geotextile Filter Fleece


Radmat G12 Geotextile Filter Fleece is a needle punched polypropylene filter fleece for use as a protection and filter layer in blue roofs.

Suitable for all types of blue roof with a flat or sloped roof construction on new build or refurbishment.


Loose lay over a suitable Radmat reservoir and drainage panel.

Overlap adjacent rolls of Radmat G12 by a minimum of 150mm and turn up at all abutments the minimum depth of the growing media.

To be covered within one month of application.


MedO G11 Filter Fleece


Radmat G11 Filter Fleece is a needle punched polypropylene filter fleece for use as a protection and filter layer in green roofs.

Suitable for all types of green roof with a flat or sloped roof construction on new build or refurbishment.


Loose lay over a suitable Radmat reservoir and drainage panel.

Overlap adjacent rolls of Radmat G11 by a minimum of 150mm and turn up at all abutments the minimum depth of the growing media.

To be covered within one month of application.

MedO D25 Reservoir/Drainage Board

MedO D25 is made of high impact recycled polystyrene (HIPS). It stores up to 13 l/m2 of water and will therefore provide a good supply of water for all plants within an extensive green roof. With a maximum crush resistance (filled) of 480 kN/m2 green roofs can easily be combined with areas of hard landscaping. 

The three-level drainage system with integrated branch drains ensures a high drainage capacity.
MedO D25 is supplied in sheets 25mm deep and is resistant to compression from 335 kN/m2 (unfilled) to 480 kN/m2 (filled).

As a drainage and water storage board for extensive and inverted green roofs

With infill as a drainage board under fully bedded paving systems

With an appropriate infill can also provide a drainage layer under areas accessible to vehicles

For extensive green roofs with a pitch of > 0°


MedO D40 Reservoir/Drainage Board

Radmat D40 is made of high impact recycled polystyrene. It stores up to 23.3 l/m2 of water and will therefore provide a good supply of water for all plants within an intensive or extensive green roof. With a maximum crush resistance (filled) of 625 kN/m2 green roofs can easily be combined with areas of hard landscaping. 

The three-level drainage system with integrated branch drains ensures a high drainage capacity. Radmat D40 is supplied in sheets 40mm deep and is resistant to compression from 280 kN/m2 (unfilled) to 625 kN/m2 (filled). 


As a drainage and water storage board for intensive and extensive green roofs 

With infill as a drainage board under fully bedded paving systems 

With an appropriate infill can also provide a drainage layer under areas accessible to vehicles 

For intensive and extensive green roofs with a pitch of > 0° – 10° 


ParaFlex Universal Primer


ParaFlex Universal Primer is a multi-purpose primer for use with ParaFlex FD, Liquid Applied Waterproofing Membrane. Consisting of a 1-component Polyurethane pre-polymer elastomer with aromatic + IPDA cross linking agents ParaFlex Universal Primer can be used on virtually any substrate, and offers adequate protection against alkalinity.

ParaFlex Universal Primer hardens with exposure to air making it particularly economical to use. The addition of cross linking agent ensures rapid curing even at low temperatures.

Contains solvents.


Tests should generally be made on curing and adhesion to the substrate.

The surface to be primed must be dry, free from dust, grease or oil, and have good adhesion and load-bearing properties.

The primer should be applied as a sealed film with blanket coverage and in principle should be sprinkled with quartz sand of grain size 0.3 to 0.7 mm or 0.4 to 0.8 mm.

Curing time: ParaFlex FD can be applied after approx. 15 – 60 minutes (depending on temperature).