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PDS AluBase XL
Vapour barrier
PDS EshaPUR 95/25
Oxidised Bitumen
PDS Insta Stik Roofing Adhesive
13.5 kg Tank
PDS ParaFlex FD
Liquid Applied Waterproofing Membrane
PDS ParaFlex FD Drag Strip
Debonding tape used to create a slip joint or expansion joint beneath ParaFlex FD
PDS ParaFlex Fleece G165/G225
A special polyester mesh fabric that helps regulate layer thickness of the ParaFlex FD Liquid Applied Waterproofing Membrane
PDS ParaFlex FV Mastic
A one component fibre-reinforced MS-Polymer for the sealing of difficult and inaccessible roof details and connections.
PDS ParaFlex G90 Fleece
A reinforcement fleece for ParaFlex Liquid Applied Waterproofing
PDS ParaFlex Kiln-dried Sand
Kiln-dried quartz sand with a grain size of 0.3-0.8 mm
PDS ParaFlex PM Primer
A low-viscosity colourless reaction resin based on methyl methacrylate and a hardener powder.
PDS ParaFlex Topsiegel
Used to enhance the appearance and modify the colour of ParaFlex sealants
PDS ParaFlex Universal Primer
A multi-purpose primer for use with ParaFlex FD
PDS ProScreed X
Levelling Screed
PDS Radmat Red Primer
PDS SitaMulti Cast-Iron Rainwater Outlet
Insulated Vertical Rainwater Outlets
PDS SitaStandard
Insulated Vertical Rainwater Outlets
PDS SitaTrendy
Insulated Vertical Rainwater Outlets