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Roof Design

New Construction

Building Regulations are the minimum legal requirements for construction set by the Governments of England & Wales and Scotland.  Most new buildings, or major changes to existing buildings, or to the local environment need consent: known as planning permission.

The most recent versions of the Approved Documents for the fourteen technical “Parts” of the Building Regulations’ requirements for England & Wales are accessible through the Planning Portal www.planningportal.gov.uk/buildingregulations/approveddocuments, the UK Government’s online planning and building regulations resource for England and Wales.

The Technical Handbooks for Scotland can be accessed here www.scotland.gov.uk/Topics/Built-Environment/Building/Building-standards

Your local planning authority is responsible for deciding whether a development – anything from an extension on a house to a new shopping centre – should go ahead. To find your local planning authority click here www.planningportal.gov.uk/wps/portal/genpub_LocalInformation
