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Product Data


WebFast A2 Insulation Spray Adhesive


WebFast A2 is a lap adhesive for use with Comp B Self-Adhesive Continuation Membrane.

WebFast A2 is designed for permanent bonding where immediate bond strength and high heat resistance are required. WebFast A2 also achieves EN13501 – 1:2008 Class A2 fire classification with a market leading A2 s1 d0 test result making this a perfect product for use in fire rated applications.

Fire Classification
Class A2 s1 d0 EN13501 – 1:2008


WebFast A2 will need to be sprayed on both side of the lap joint of Comp-B self adhesive continuation membrane. Once adhesive has tacked off, press together firmly and apply uniform pressure with a roller to ensure satisfactory adhesion.


Description  Value
Appearance Clear web spray
Coverage 2m2
Fire classification Class A2 s1 d0
Shelf life (unopened) 18 months (from date of manufacture)
Delivery Boxes of 12 cans

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